
Friday, July 2, 2010


        My association with quizzing rather not quizzing has been evident the whole of my school life. Every time I was to go for a quiz, either it got cancelled or teachers just never mentioned again or it was over. (yes, this indeed happened once) All that while , my sister got every opportunity to go for a quiz. In one of the city level quizzes, she reached the semi finals. Another quiz at school, the team got a trophy and even chocolates!!

So, I just resigned to fate that quizzes will never ever be a part of my life in spite of being influenced by watching BQC every sunday and knowing that my school isn't great enough to appear there.

Then I came to Sardar Patel with the thought of slogging all 4 years. On the contrary, the 3rd sem I happened to find that our college had a true blue quiz club SPQC started by quiz crazy students Chinmay, Rohit and Siddharth and quizzes were being held the whole past year. And in spite of the popularity in the SE CMPN class, we didn't even get a whiff of it! Reason- Class too crowded(sniff,sniff).

Luckily the committee I was in organized a quiz and I happened to be a part of it. My God, the enthusiasm in the air, those heated discussions, those friendly pokes at the other team when they didn't get an answer, those wrong guesses which always make you laugh, I became a fan in those 2 hours.

And I decided that to make up for the 2 sems I missed, I decided I'll make it a point to be regular from 4th sem. You see, when you are denied an opportunity your whole life and you get it, you will do anything to grab it then. So I entered the class sheepishly cuz I knew I would be bad at answering. We got only one question right.Most of the others we skipped or didn't guess cuz we thought it might be wrong. But when we were told the answer was correct, the joy is just unfathomable.

As I regularly stated attending more of them, I realized quizzing is hardly about answering correct. Its that feeling when you know you know the answer, its on the tip of your tongue and without realizing you blurt it out. Its that amazement when you see the answer to a question which was so smartly phrased. Its that momentary excited happiness when you guess and it turns out to be correct. Its never about losing. Cuz at the end of a quiz, you know so much more. You realize so many things were right under your nose but you just didn't look at it.

Why this post all of a sudden? Well, I'm making my own quiz right now. Everywhere I see I find quiz questions. My gmail drafts are filled with plausible questions and so is the note in my mobile phone. I read something and I think, ok..this can be a quiz question. But I think my quiz is gonna end up being one of the most easiest ones, nothing challenging as such but its nice to give people ego boosts when they find they can answer so much.. :P

So now I'm a big quiz fan too! I still suck at answering but I can't wait for thursdays to come. And I think the journey will continue :D


tautology said...

Looking forward to your quiz. Should be good :)

Ashmita said...

Haha. Very honestly written. I can just imagine you saying this :)

Next sem, shall be fun.
We need to start inspiring juniors though. Or SPQC might die out by the time we graduate.

Nisha... said...

looking forward to it!! especially after the 4th last line ;-)

Preeti Ramaraj said...

@chinmay: I hope so
@ashmita: haha.yeah.i get it..I know.. we really need to do that..lets see this yr
@nisha: ya.. of course :)

Rohit said...

Look forward to your quiz! Mail it to me. These useless SPQC people take too much time.

Ashmita said...

Haha. You mean Mayuresh :P

Shraddha said...

Hey nice ! I discovered quizzing only in college.. A great place to socialize.. Much preferred over facebook !

Shall wait for your quiz !