
Monday, November 29, 2010

You know you're in SP COMPS 2012(T.E) if..

I had always thought of continuing this series when I wrote the previous two of SE and FE. After the reviews they got, the thought had to become reality. And its a long time since I wrote a fun timepass post like this. :P
After yesterday and all of the unexpected stuff that happened this sem, this is something the comps department would identify with.So here we go..

You know you're in SP COMPS 2012(T.E) if

1)You always have Nimkar as a reason for every responsibility you have to get out of. :P

2) If you are given ppts to make and technical papers to write as often as you would like to have a CAD-B.

3)If every code to be done in a practical, especially the TCS ones have to be copied by EVERYONE!!

4)If you find everyone in the class "actually" coding for WE!

5)If you hear the word client at least 5 times a day

6)If your assignments' submission deadline is always on a saturday, sunday or public holiday. :P

7)And the assignments aren't done at least before 2 weeks after the deadline.

8)Forget C++,java, C is the new in thing.

9)And segmentation fault is the most dreaded error you could ever get( why even rajnikanth can't escape that error  :P)

10) Finally the screeching voice troubles you no more.

11)You almost start packing your pillow and not to forget, your laptop into your bag as you're definitely not leaving college before 10.

12) And then you reach college to find, you've been chucked out of the lab even before you get your lappy out of your bag.

13) (Special addition after yesterday)You're definitely expecting the whole 140 marks in a paper to be out of your given syllabus and get out of the examination room laughing about it.

What a semester it has been and the next one is gonna be a hell of a semester as well.

Hoping to see you on the other side of the year,alive :P

Till then, wishing every one of the useless no-job-in-life souls who actually read this whole thing all the best for the exam season. :)

Friday, November 19, 2010

A Relationship,I'm not talking about the committed,single,complicated stuff that people put up online for other people to read...Not the cliché that every possible human being is so bothered about.

Let us remember, what you share with your parent is a relationship, what you share with a friend is one, why what you share with a dog you play with everyday is a relationship. You may call it anything but at the very base, a relationship is emotion..the presence or absence of it..the feeling related to it.. When we were 5 yrs old, my best friend essay had a person of the same sex and about what u play together..with years, these distinguishing lines vanish.

It is true that you find your true friends in times of adversities,betrayal and sadness. Not that the person who is the reason for sadness is not your friend, but a person who just existed in your life till then, gave u all the support you could have wished for is..and its not in terms of how much time you spend with a person that they become your 'best' friend..that is hardly the parameter..nor is the fact that one of them knows all your secrets..its the trust you would have in a person on a subconscious level..its what you feel about that person..and although it is a known fact that emotions are intangible, sometimes,they are so overwhelming that you cannot define a relationship as any of the ones that you know..

I happened to see 2 movies which were based on friendship between a boy and a one, this has to turn into the other,they argue that girls and boys would remain friends no matter what..What I don't get is why does it have to be defined as two distinct categories? I mean, calling someone an acquaintance, a  friend,good friend,best friend is something we have done all these years without realizing we are trying to measure emotions.. I realize,what a friend can be and is expected to be can never be encompassed and must not be too.

And with people, there are these moments, some occasions when something transpires or something is done or something is felt which may have given you such an emotional high but is just inexplicable. Leave it that way. At times, the more you try to delve into it , the magical nature of it is lost. If it made you happy, preserve it at someplace at the back of your mind rather than questioning its very existence.

Going back to the two cases...rather than classifying people as close, not close or whatever, just let your instincts take over at times. You needn't but can always tell someone you consider your "best" friend whatever you feel; but there isn't a reason why you shouldn't trust someone else just because your heart says so. Some things are best left just understood. Some things must be done on a whim because they are meant to be so.

The friends forever thing that people keep saying..It is a farce. No, I'm not being negative. But think. You say that you learn with time, with experiences. It may not change the basic person that you are, but it will and definitely will change your outlook about almost everything (yes, a personal experience :P )

And sometimes that is why, some person might be a happy and a very important part of your life for just some time. No matter how much you may try after the period where both of you had so many reasons to meet, it may not happen. Even if you were good friends but opinions have changed over a period of time, that comfort level may just have gone. Do not embitter what was a good time. I think we should develop the mind frame to not spoil what was a good time cuz trust me, you must hold on to every good time possible cuz when you go through trying times, its these good times that make sure you're sane at the end of it. So move on! Think of the good times and rejoice that you had them at all and accept the changes.

Where as with some people, maybe you are just meant to be. You are just meant to grow up with them, be with them, share with them everything. You'll trust them within the blink of a eye and it may be the best decision you've taken. Sometimes, instinctivity is the way to go, it makes you believe in life when it turns out good.

People may not be the best thing out here but they are definitely something we cannot live without. Where there are people, there are relationships, there are bursts of happiness and moments of disappointment too. Learn to live with both and life becomes a journey all of us just can't wait to experience further. :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Secrets are mysteriously weird and have always been a reason to be socially accepted. More on that later.

Think in school, there was always this secret which every group had, they had some code word for it, and if u didn't know it, u weren't cool. Rather you weren't accepted.

But if you think of it , what is a secret? If u plan to tell it to somebody after all, does it cease to remain one?
Of course, consider most secrets are scandalous worthy of gossip, they don't remain what they are, but are a part of the khusur phusur people do but still the fact remains unknown as public. Secrets have a weird definition. If it is a secret about you, you makes sure the other person swears to secrecy when you yourself aren't while telling the person. It depends on who it is that you are telling.

If it is about your feelings or some experience that you had and you are utterly confused or worried or whatever as to what to do about it, you want someone to help you out, that is probably the start of letting out a secret.

If you have ever realized, a secret becomes one once someone who does not know the details comes to know of its existence, else it doesn't exist at all.

And so secrets make you mysterious. Make people curious. Makes them want to wonder what that damn secret is. Perfect recipe for the attention seekers. So people in order to garner attention to themselves will make sure they drop hints that they know something the other doesn't. And they'll make sure they drop hints to the person to whom it matters the most. And well, curiosity kills the cat. People cannot accept that they do not know something the others know; and when it's about them, why even I would wonder what is it. They will ask, persuade, beg at times, the secret bearer may choose not to tell till they have got the most attention, or probably they may not say it at all. At this point, the curious cat is real fed up and doesn't bother or goes back to wasting hours wondering what could it be.

Now, let's come to social acceptance. Let us say that the supposed secret is not gossip worthy because a friend told you about it cuz he/she trusted you. It makes you feel accepted. When people believe you, when they want you to know how they feel about something or someone which is something they think only you could understand besides them, it makes you feel proud of yourself. Consider the secret is sad, yet it is a sign of social acceptance. That person feels they can come to you when they need support. Although, some people when entrusted with a secret feel the absolute need of talking about it with their "best friend". It is harmless if it stops with that. But then, we know the chain, don't we? :P

For the past few years, I have been someone who has been told loads of secrets by different people about different things in different circumstances. I have been trusted to an extent,  where I am scared that I might make a mistake. But nope, mere pet mein sab baat pachti hain. One person will not even know that I spoke to the other if I do not want them to. It may seem like bragging but more than that , it makes me feel I belong. Always having been a person in school who wasn't privy to secrets in class thereby not belonging, when people trust me with something, I always try to make them feel better if it is something bad and what they said definitely doesn't go out cuz the trust is much more worthy than the feeling of having discussed it with someone else. Probably I'm making a big fuss out of nothing but I am definitely proud of the fact that I can keep a secret :D.

I guess secrets will always exist defying their definition and of course defying their very existence as more and more people become a part of one.
(Wow, I wrote this long a post even after a month of absence. Guess, the bad semester hasn't squeezed this out of me :) )