
Friday, September 6, 2013

Making peace

The eternally happy boy. The boy who wanted to bring hope into others' lives. It's one thing that cancer or any of these life-threatening disease survivors teach you how to live your life, never to lose hope and how in fact your life doesn't suck but this boy went beyond that. He wanted to tell even the people who lived with this, that life doesn't suck and some things just happen. His plan was to kick cancer's ass and boy, did he do that for 2 whole years.

I probably don't have the right to write this; when his closest friends who were with him the whole time, don't say a word. I will not say I understand what he went through; since if it as bad as I have heard cancer is, hell, I won't understand it in a lifetime. This is just a testimony to what he has left behind, and whatever little I know of it, it's the best ever possible. I love you Khushal and if anything, I just hope that wherever you are, you are relieved of all that pain, and all the happiness you feel is devoid of any blemish. You deserve all of it.