No, I dont mean flatulence ot burping(double eww) that all the boys seem to be proud of. Nor have I forgotten an 'H'.(Although being a girl, I should have spoken about that) I'll have to take you through a small flashback before that and you might guess what I mean.
I am blessed with a loud voice(the people around me are cursed though). Even my attempt to talk in whispers is in vain. My friend sitting 4 benches ahead of me could supposedly hear me do khus-phus in a lecture.An incident in school. I was to give a speech. The mike hadn't arrived yet. The students getting restless. My teacher called me, made me give the speech without the mike and well, I was audible to everyone.
Now, add the fact that I like talking, correction: love talking. I've been given many nicknames for the same reason. Another reason why I pity people around me. I don't stop even if people beg me to. It isn't in my character to do so. Believe me, I have tried to change but I just can't.
Thirdly, I am not shy. I make sure I am heard, very instinctively. I have to speak, else I'll go mad.My voice helps me too :P.
And then, I sing with a voice comparable to a frog's croak. Now, its just that the frog most of the time croaks in tune. And this I do too often i.e, when I am not speaking.So, you see, I really don't know how people talk to me or let me talk to them. I would just be exasperating.
And the day dawns when my friends' wishes are granted. The day when nothing but air escapes my mouth. My bad 'air' days. It's bad. Terrible. And this invariably happens the day I have reason to speak but I can't speak even the basic minimum. Consider today. I had an IEEE GD and some group activities which absolutely required me to speak. But what? Voice gone.
Consider our very first IV. Just before "The" play. Only hawa.
In school too, most of the times I entered an auditorium for a speech or a play, My voice would give me up. I have wondered whether it is exam laryngitis like exam fever but I don't even have stage fright,so its just bad luck the people around me have to bear my nonsense and not be able to listen when I might speak sense.
And ME!! God, it must be one of my worst days, when people cannot hear me and they make fun of my inability to talk(Although I must say they deserve the chance :P ) It is completely unacceptable to a person who already feels she croaks and the croak sounds worse when the throat starts repairing itself cuz of forced silence that I keep so that I can talk again.
So as I hope these days don't come too often ,you guys can sit hoping that this would last forever and ever and I assure you ,you aren't fortunate enough. :P
eh you dont sing like a frog's croak! i mean, not you! ;-) and the talking part... how could you forget its a blessing for some? :P
Talking is our thing ya :)
And please woman. I've heard you sing. You have such a strong, clear voice. Really nice it is. So there.
You forget your ability to laugh at every joke. You know what I am referring to... :P
It is nice to have someone talking so much - without pretence. What else can one ask for ?
ps:the word varification for commenting is irksome. It's like those malls.
and verification it is ! or just for fun-you can imagine me talking like a gujju !
@nisha: a blessing indeed :D
@ashmita: yeah ,happy to have a partner in the same crime.
And abt the singing part, nice to hear :)
@shraddha: thank you and u really are obsessed with all the events pertaining to that occasion, aren't you? :P
you couldn't talk? :O
I bet this is your attempt at fiction! :P
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