The amateurish kiddish writer turned emotional retrospective author is named Preeti Ramaraj and is currently assumed to be studying what is known as Computer Engineering in again what is assumed to be the best college in the city, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology.
Two decades of her life have passed and most of it has passed in her lengthy conversations as you may have realized she would have from the length of her blog posts. No amount of talking can ever tire her out and if nothing at all, you can definitely hear her voice across the corridor.
Nicknamed "Screensaver" by her friends, the remaining time of her life has gone in singing, although it may not have been pleasant to the ears of the ones around her, she has never been able to keep her mouth shut for more than for a few seconds except for when she has to sleep because her biological clock expects her to. After the IV, even that peaceful time has been taken away from her friends who have just no choice out of it.
But yes, she is known to be as passionate about books as she is about music and music and words are her best companions followed by people. How passionate is something that is inexplicable as she recently discovered and people who know her would very well agree. She loves meeting new people as she knows and believes there is a different perspective to each person which is really enlightening. Needless to say, she is really intrigued by the very human being and thinking about the various emotions that are displayed in various situations is almost always what she is doing when she is quiet.(Yes, there are such moments too!)
Fondly known as amma, aiyyo, preeto, pre, preetu, she is barely ever known by what she was christened with. Impossibly optimistic and ever-cheerful, she believes there is always a way out of every difficult situation and everything happens for the good because of which she has had to learn some lessons about life being inequitable but yet the optimism remains.
She absolutely loves food and conversations with her often lead to it. Also as she is so particular about her food, she has loved cooking ever since she was 10. Starting off with a humble tea, she has progressed to dishing out amazing dosas and rice and payasams and loves experimenting along her way.
Narcissistic isn't what she is, "sweet" is what she is called, happy is what she seems, and that's your dear Preeto for you. :)