
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dear Blogger

I must be dumb. really dumb. I cant believe I let myself type blogger's link and clicked new post to write nonsense.That too right before the first semester exam.That's right.

I must say Blogger dear, I miss you loads. But you see, the paper seems to be winning over you in a bid to capture my thoughts. Very specific special ones for special people. Also add the really funny Big Bang theory which actually makes me laugh unlike How I met your mother which I continued seeing hoping they will show the mother. (cmon guys, at least now! ) Just having two people at home and a free kitchen makes me rush to the kitchen, get milk and add a bunch of fresh cut fruits, grind them to make a wonderful cool milkshake which is just right for the season. I plan to try some ice tea too!

I always hoped I don't fall into the cliche third year category where you totally forget that you even had a blog. You must have thought I am already in it. And I assure you I definitely don't have a writer's block, on the contrary, I have too much to write, just analogous to round robin scheduling, each post gets a short time but never reaches its end!

But don't you worry. Once the paper is done with seeing my handwriting, you're next! Which is really soon, like 20 days! And I'll be back to do what I love the most, only second to music. Till then, toodles!