
Friday, September 10, 2010

What is the right way to live?

Rumours..Lies..they all have various ways of being interpreted..and various ways of originating.

Some of them are really harmless, stemming out of a doubt which occurs due to some events which happen pretty often. Like speculating if 2 people are committed. You keep seeing them together everywhere.You keep discussing with people till everyone in the college knows including them. They just have to accept or deny and it dies down. This has no consequences whatsoever, considering its an age where people are bound to be in a relationship.

But the others. The malicious ones. The ones that are meant to hurt. The ones that are meant to make someone feel bad. They are spread by people who bear malice towards something, someone. Those aren't white lies in the least,no sir. Those are dark ones, meant to be said. Its all because its relative. Instead of increasing what's good for them, they'd rather decrease what's good for the others. Finally, the comparison is what matters right??

This is done so subtlely that the affected don't realize it too soon. Or at times, subtlety is not called for. The result is what matters. Like my friend Srinath says, there is no good or bad, there is only point of view. I agree. That's why terrorists exist. What's good for them is bad for the world. But in my opinion , there is a little catch to this statement. What's good for the majority of the population is GOOD. But then its not always the majority that's right, is it?

Refine it even more. What is considered good in the deepest of the hearts of the majority of the people is GOOD. But is there any way of knowing it?? It is impossible. We ourselves don't know what we want and what we don't. How can we expect the world to know?

So what is it that we can do in such a situation? Listen to our hearts. Not block our conscience. According to me, most of the crimes that are committed are because people don't want to listen to what their conscience tells them. What it constatntly pricks them with. Even the "God will punish you" fear doesn't stop them anymore.

I am currently in a position where I can be a jingoist.( Light thought, learnt the new word from Shraddha, although it has a negative connotation) I should be lowering the position of people around me to raise mine. But I won't. I shouldn't . People say I will not survive in this big bad world if I don't adapt. ADAPT, they say. Be practical, they say. PRACTICALITY is going against your heart, is it? Now I agree with my friend Nisha. Practicality sucks, at least the way the world means it. Like point of view, even practicality has different meanings. For me, it is to be selfless. Do for others, do for yourself as long as you don't hurt the others. I think that is what God is testing me about. Whether I can do it. I guess too many people in my state. Another friend's status message read "I know God won't give me things that I can't handle. I just wish that God didn't trust me so much." I have to work hard, really hard to do things against what the majority of the people seem to feel. Go with my heart, do what my conscience asks me to do. Maybe I'm taking certain things too seriously. Maybe I should be doing this. Maybe not. I don't even know why I am writing this, or why I am posting this.

I was talking to a friend yesterday. he said he had become a God fearing person recently. He doesn't think in worldly terms anymore.I feel the same nowadays. Marks have become insignificant. It is the thought behind learning that matters. Winning has become insignificant. It is the effort that matters. A relationship has become insignificant. Its the love that matters. What you say has become insignificant. What you do is what matters.

People are deceptive, people are hypocrites, yet people are the reason anyone survives as long as we find the right ones to live with, the right ones to love. Rather, just love them, forget right or wrong.

Praising someone in front of them or when they aren't around is never wrong. Rather I suggest, you do it as soon as possible. We are hungry for love. Hungry for people for whom we matter. Its always better than saying something derogatory. You're never gonna be questioned about praising.

You may think this is all ideal. Of course it is. Just because one person thinks this way doesn't mean the whole world does. Or the whole world will. But think. Its the best way to live.

It is like a mistake committed unknowingly. The moment one feels it is a mistake and repents when it was done unknowingly, the person is forgiven, no strings attached. But if a mistake is committed knowingly, in order to hurt, any amount of repentance later makes no difference. Your point of view may have changed in all those years. But what's done is done right?

Well, writing this down makes me mind clearer. Makes me feel, I will succeed. I'll have no reason to repent later in life. I think its gonna be a long year ahead. But I have hope. I have friends, friends who will vouch for me, who will stop me from taking the wrong path, friends for whom me changing makes a big difference.

I just hope and wish I am remembered for every good thing that someone has felt about me and nothing bad. i think I can just hope.


Srinath Warrier said...
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Unknown said...

Perhaps one of you only posts I liked. No offenses, but my opinion was that you are always way too optimistic and live in a rosy world. But seeing the current situation I guess that is the only way out.

Your posts says it all.

And as a matter of fact I know you will never change. Just around eight months more to go... :)

Godspeed..! :)

shrilata said...

from what i know about you now..ekdum preeti like!
i do agree with shraddha- a few contradictions!
but nothing is complete without them.. exceptions and contradictions must always exist for harmonious co-existence of thngs in this world! :P