
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My doggy!!!

                                     I was walking down the road when I saw a cute golden retriever with its hair on its head(fur whatever you call it) tied in a ponytail being walked by a lady. I remembered the dog my grandparents had, or  rather the son, Devil.

No, the name isn't bad really. If you guys like reading Phantom comics, you would know what significance this name has. He came as a cute little puppy in 1989 when I wasn't even born. Became a son to my grandparents and a brother to my dad, mom and her siblings, literally too, considering he didn't even like non-vegetarian food. When I was born and was put on the mat on the floor to sleep, he would come and sleep next to me. He would always want to be there where I was around. When my sister was born, a maid used to threaten the 3 year old me in a way of playing that she'll take my sister and go away. As though he understood human language, Devil would growl at this lady whenever she went near my sister. Unfortunately, due to school , we could see him only once every year during the vacations. The moment my grandfather's car used to reach the doorstep after picking us up, Devil would bark joyfully sensing our arrival. He used to listen to songs and try singing along(would turn out to be howling and whining) and also, he used to like this one song for which he used to put his paws on my 6 feet tall mama's shoulders and dance!!

I have always been the sloppiest and most ignorant person ever. I don't think I ever saw the ground while walking when I was 4 or 5 ....invariably use to fall over poor Devil. His fault partly. He chose the nooks and corners for his siesta and those are exactly the places kids like. But the kind fella that he was, he only used to yelp in pain( :( ) but NEVER EVER  bit me , not even once. Whenever we used to go out for a drive, he used to sit right beside me on the car seat with his tongue out enjoying the wind through the window. I remember going to my grandfather's coconut farm and walking there with Devil. I was never afraid of him. We used to play ball, play pakda-pakdi where all he would was try and hold our dress, go walking together and he defined the joy I had in the vacations.

But then I guess God wanted one of his favourite sons back. I still remember crying sooooo much. I wasn't even there. I still remember a time when everyone was playing outside with him and I was watching Johny Quest..that was the only time I watched TV. But , sometimes, the days I miss him, I think ,maybe I should have gone and played Tag with him.

He was the best dog ever. He used to shake hands so politely, expressed his love for everyone so beautifully, always around when you needed him..My cousins who were born after he passed away really did miss something. They would never learn the joy of making friends with such a wonderful being..He taught me that love isn't something only human beings feel...He taught me to love without language being a barrier..He was family..and such a lovable one too..I love you Devil soo much...Here is a pic capturing that world...Signing off in an emotional mood.


Rohit said...

Nice post and a great pic.

Almost the same thing happened to me. Just substitute Ceasar for Devil, they were both alsatians. How awesome they look!

Sumiran said...

Nice :)
Gruff Gruff. Bow wow! :D

Nisha... said...

ehh doggyyyy!! cute pic :P

Unknown said...

nice post..and fattttte pic...awesome.!!

Preeti Ramaraj said...

@rohit: thanks..
oh yes, awesome and grand!
@sumi: wuff wuff thank wuff you wuff!
@nisha :thanks .ya chweetie pie doggy
@hp thanks man :)

Anonymous said...

I hate dogs.The only creature I /hate so far.Will own one some day just to get rid of the hatred.
Evoking one this..

Unknown said...

i liked it...and a damn gud pic