
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Simplicity Of Friendship

                                                 The title itself may revoke different opinions. Some may feel it is paradoxical. Some may agree half-heartedly. But let me tell you, the title is absolutely true in every case possible.

                                                   Consider your school friends..the really close ones. Most of you would have known them first when you were about three. How much time did it take you to become friends? You would have sat next to each other and possibly played ringa ringa roses and that was it. Your secrets and stuff much later. But then, now you're the best of friends, you still make time to call this person and there is nothing this friend doesn't know about you. That is the first glimpse of friendship that a person gets.

Now when we have to travel far and wide by train, the person you meet everyday on the same compartment becomes your friend. The person who resides in the same building as yours becomes your friend. Why, even people who come on a trip with you become your best friends. Still aren't convinced? Like a friend Sumiran said in one of his blog posts, people when put in the same situation tend to become friends. When you join classes for some subject and you know no one in your batch, you already have a topic to talk about in your hands. You invariably start talking with your neighbour. If you are the shy kind, someone who won't start a conversation, your neighbour will start it for sure.

So, when it is so simple, why do we make it so complicated? The golden rule to have a good friend is be one yourself. And it isn't difficult. Just call them when they are sick, give them a true heart felt compliment, make them smile when they are sad, do those small things you would love people to do for you. And if you think its an effort, believe me you get back those smiles or those sweet words or just the assurance they are there for you, you need nothing more during the whole day. And guess what? They'll do so much more back for you. It is a very obvious fact that friendship is symbiotic, both parties depend on each other. Then why not do your part first?  :).

Birthdays are the best time when your faith is restored that your friends are the most wonderful people after all. Really just when I thought that people have lost all emotions in the rat race, my friends went and did so much, I really believe that's what friends are for. To give you that sense of belonging, remove that sense of insecurity, to make you feel so loved and special, who says you need to be in a relationship to experience all this!

We keep hearing that there are no Sorry's or thank you's in a friendship. Ever wondered why? Cuz you would never do anything to hurt your friend that would make you have to say sorry and when they do something for you which gives you so much happiness , you surely aren't gonna let it go with just a thank you. You would do something really big for their special day .

Another peculiar thing about friendship. Your friends may not be the babes and the dudes of the class but still the moment you look at them and they smile, they are the most adorable people you know. Really, think of one friend you think who doesn't look won't be able to come up with a name. It's such a relief when I realized this,considering (errr...hoping) the same is applicable vice-versa too :P.

The best part about friendship is it brings a smile to your face so easily. Just think about the food you had or a small joke you shared, you'll be smiling on the road with people thinking you are weird. Just see some photograph and you're lost in that happy world already.

You don't search for a person who will not disclose your secrets but for a friend knows certain emotions of yours cannot be understood by others and keep it to themselves. You don't search for a person who has contacts but for friends who knows your potential and will themselves suggest someone who can help you without you saying a word. You don't search for someone who will help you out with assignments and stuff but for friends who will do everything in their means to help you out anyway.Finally, you don't search for someone who will sit next to you in recess so that you aren't alone but for friends who want to sit next to you because they wish to.

The point is we put so many conditions and restrictions on our own selves before "supposedly" selecting a friend. You stop that and you will see a whole new world in front of you. You will find such lovable people you just never realized before. You will find people who you love sooo much and they love you likewise. Friendship is so pure , it depends on nothing but emotions. We are the ones who attach looks, money and every other materialistic attribute to it.

So , its time we go back to our 3 yr old mind set just for this. You will realize, friendship is indeed magical yet simple...


Anonymous said...

The last para said all that I think of friendship.Its pretty amusing to see people who have requisites b4 making friends.Its more like a swayamvar for them.I have friends ranging from bus stops to canteen boys and I have never been any choosy.Friendship i a nice thing.Highly important in more than ways u'v mentioned.I am almost writing a post now :P

Preeti Ramaraj said...

Obviously it is more important than words can ever is something impossible to describe in full

pranav rajgopal said...

Well said...agree with you...people always complicate life n friends so much..when you take a step back and analyse, we realize how petty n choosy we can get..nice read re.

pranav rajgopal said...

Well said...agree with you...people always complicate life n friends so much..when you take a step back and analyse, we realize how petty n choosy we can get..nice read re.

Rohit said...

Nice post. I miss all of them terribly. Price you pay for doing well in the GRE.

Preeti Ramaraj said...

Guess life does deal hard blows at times, but you do have internet and phone calls which make the difficulty easy to bear :)

Sumiran said...

Nice post! I liked the part about the school friends :). So true. And also the part that "the person you meet everyday on the same compartment becomes your friend". Something I'm yet to experience :-/

Unknown said...

yehh....frnshipz gotta b pure n simple..luvd it preeti...good job! :D

Divya Bhatia said...
