
Saturday, November 21, 2009

You know you are in SP Comps 2012( S. E. ) if..

                                                  The whole of my last two weeks were submerged in submissions and practicals and studying feverishly for those dangerous vivas.So,I came up with some things you can totally associate my class students with ;maybe even our seniors..

1) If your status updates and chat contain lines of C++ or JAVA, mostly consisting of infinite loops
2)If you suffer from zerumderigophobia- fear of null pointer exception

3)If you can hear nothing but a high pitched voice and see nothing but a haunted face wherever you look after  a DSF lecture or practical in second year.

4)If  your last wish is to haunt the owner of that screeching dreadful voice(:P)

5)If you ask them what a dangling pointer is, they stand straight with their hand parallel to the floor and move their hand along with themselves left and right.

6)If you pronounce zero as "jheero" and m as "yum".

7)If you are an expert at carrom and table tennis.

8)If you expect a teacher to say  "Attend maai neaaxt leakcher" at least 10 times if someone enters late

9) If when you see a cockroach, you wonder whether it is drunk and write a code to calculate the time in which it would reach the other end of the hall.

From now on, if you have to look for a SE Comps student of this year, all of you have to do is look for these signs. Happy finding!


Sumiran said...

A big LOL!
Best ones are Null pointer exception, dangling pointer and "Atttaaaiiiinnnd next lecture :D"

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I agree...our class does show all of these signs... :P

The attend my next lecture and dangling pointer were best!! :D

Nisha... said...

arrre phatte!! lolz... null pointer is awesome!! and if anybody asks a who question e.g. "who......?" u answer adarsh :P

Preeti Ramaraj said...

@nisha thanks..ya..i forgot abt adarsh :P..and yes,the credit for haunting goes to you

Preeti Ramaraj said...

@sumiran @harsh happy you laughed :P

Anonymous said...

Was it Natasha by any chance?

Nisha... said...

well... haunting is a decent thing to do.. ppl want to do worse things!

Preeti Ramaraj said...

@anna nope, its that voice which usually haunts you and sanket ;)

@everyone one more I remembered
IF the answer to the question "Who got the lecture cancelled ,especially maths ? " is Sanket " :P

Unknown said...

so if u r in FE comps u r far away from dis ......
but "Attaind my next leakture"

Unknown said...

m not sure but is he AAG?

Preeti Ramaraj said...

@bhavin You guys still have a loooong way to go to reach here :P And nope,it isnt him...Try askin any of us when you see'll know :P

neelam said...

haunting 1 is da best..... especially wen "FAIR"...