
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

You know you are in SP Comps 2012( F. E. ) if..

                                        After a whole series of LOLs and comments on my previous post, my mind can't help jog backwards to my first year( my brain needs exercise too after being subjected to torturous COA and EDC). So this post delayed by a year appears on my blog at last.(Dramatic, ain't it? ) So, You know you are in SP COMPS 2012( F. E. ) if

1)You pronounce structure as "Stackture"

2) You are found saying "Thees is thee breedboard and thees is the sirkeet".

3) Your measures of water include 1 litre bottle, 5 litre bottle and...............titu bottle

4) the sentence "You will get THE  jheero mark"  haunts you

5) You go for bowling or to Fun republic as often as you write your assignments (:P)

6) You write psuedocodes to torture jail inmates in the game on your class community at 2 in the morning

7) The attendance of most of your classmates( including you) is 90% and above in every subject possible.

8) You spell angry as "angree" and pronounce new year as "nivear".

9) You keep saying  "Yeah, yeah" in a fake american accent.

10) You expect your CS professor to chit chat with other students when your GD is going on.

11) You keep gossipping about seniors(especially the immediate ones)

12) the IV reminds you are already remembering :P

13) writing 'i' or saying "i theta" is second nature to you

14) the complex polymers in chemistry have "snack" like structures.

I guess this will be of some use to you as some of these signs are still shown by some of us even after first year. I guess you can use these to find us too.
My teeth are flashing at the thought of what I have written. Hope yours' are too . :D Have fun and a great exam season. :P

Saturday, November 21, 2009

You know you are in SP Comps 2012( S. E. ) if..

                                                  The whole of my last two weeks were submerged in submissions and practicals and studying feverishly for those dangerous vivas.So,I came up with some things you can totally associate my class students with ;maybe even our seniors..

1) If your status updates and chat contain lines of C++ or JAVA, mostly consisting of infinite loops
2)If you suffer from zerumderigophobia- fear of null pointer exception

3)If you can hear nothing but a high pitched voice and see nothing but a haunted face wherever you look after  a DSF lecture or practical in second year.

4)If  your last wish is to haunt the owner of that screeching dreadful voice(:P)

5)If you ask them what a dangling pointer is, they stand straight with their hand parallel to the floor and move their hand along with themselves left and right.

6)If you pronounce zero as "jheero" and m as "yum".

7)If you are an expert at carrom and table tennis.

8)If you expect a teacher to say  "Attend maai neaaxt leakcher" at least 10 times if someone enters late

9) If when you see a cockroach, you wonder whether it is drunk and write a code to calculate the time in which it would reach the other end of the hall.

From now on, if you have to look for a SE Comps student of this year, all of you have to do is look for these signs. Happy finding!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Journey or Destination?

                              I know my last post was very unlike what I have posted all these days.They were just a conglomeration of the different thoughts I had..Everyone seems to be in a thoughtful and reflective mood nowadays. Maybe that is what PL does to you.So many things that I have been trying to observe this semester, thought I'd share my contemplations.

                   Sometimes, the journey is much more significant than the destination.No, always. Look at these situations.

You meet a friend who was in the same 12th standard classes as you.You start talking about what each other is doing nowadays. But have you ever noticed how small that conversation is? Because your this conversation immediately shifts to those "good old days"  and how much fun you had and then there is this period of silence. You are already back to that place and time.

Why,even when we are having a casual conversation with our long time friends,the conversation slips to the time we first met, our first thoughts, our first opinions before we knew them he way we know now . .the surprising fact? You are never bored of repeating this conversation and it brings a smile to your face in an effortless attempt.

Let me narrate an experience I had this semester which strengthened my ideas.
This semester we were divided into four batches in anticipation of the diploma students against the usual 3 till last sem. Result? There was no one in my batch who I knew too well and I was totally distraught at the fact that I am gonna be stark bored at the end of this semester. Maybe my journey had different plans. There were two guys I knew somewhat better than the others and the same, likewise. So,we kind of hung around together during practicals et al. We were similar in our thoughts and both of them  weren't people who would mock me for the way I do things so religiously because they do too. So it happened that we are the only people in the batch who performed the practicals properly and were considered prudent and responsible. The whole semester, the togetherness bonded us and practicals were much more fun. At the end of the sem, we had not only got A+ in most of our journals but had also earned the wealth of being in the good books of our teachers.

So what did I observe? We didn't be with each other in pursuit of the grades....our journey together led us to this result.

The point is all of us are so obsessed with materialistic things that we forget to notice the smallest things in life which can give us the same happiness. Most of the students in the same phase as mine are thinking about getting into a college committee, attend workshops so that it will give them that extra edge in the job interview. Me included. Accepted these things are important but so important that you consider everyone around you competition and forget that they are your friends first??Absolutely not. What we fail to realize is we are lucky to have got into this college, we are lucky that we have friends who understand us so well and that itself is a good sign and it would take us to the destination we want to reach.

Let's say that a person's intended destination is money...Lots of it..He will work really hard to get it. Maybe he would study and do various activities just for that.Once he gets it,more money. He will pursue money like nothing before.There will be a time where he has lots of money.That time, if that person looks back, what would he have missed?? ..He would have missed that small sign of someone wanting to know him,someone who wanted to have fun with him, that small innocent smile of a child, small gestures of love, the feeling of achievement when he learnt something new,the novelty of a subject maybe... not all of it but significantly yes. So even if he has the money,he doesn't have the satisfaction of having attained it nor did he enjoy the process of getting it.

The 12th standard classes were meant for us to get into the best colleges. but the journey gave us something much more invaluable..friendship.You may be taking your best friend for granted. But that journey gave you something..memories.

It is proved time and again that if we give importance to our journey and keep the destination in mind, along with the destination intended, by just one path we reach many more wonderful places. If the person hadn't been so obsessed with earning money, maybe he would have lots of money and people to enjoy it with. Maybe if he had given his friends some importance, they would have put their ideas together and earned money faster along with strengthening their relationship.

There is a journey, maybe the only one which all of us never want to end,an example which stares you at your face.....LIFE..Life is a journey from birth to death. If the destination was what mattered, we should have been running closer to death than away from it.Just like Harry Potter needs a happy memory to produce a patronus, we need happy memories too. We need people.We need love.We need those small happy feelings when someone praises us. We need that feeling of worthiness when we finish studying what we wished to finish that day. We need to make every journey of ours great just to enjoy the destination. Why, even when you wish to attain God, the journey is what makes us realize who He is, why we need Him, He exists. So when you attain him( by His grace), you have reached your goal with peace and realization.

Maybe we muggles don't have to fight dementors, but we do have to make our
"The Journey " worthwhile so that when it has to end, when death comes as is the nature's will, we not only have reached our intended destination but also have a reason to have taken the journey in the first place. :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Growing to become a SPITian

                         I really don't know but reminiscing always seems fun. Even though what you are reminiscing about is really small but within that time frame, you are in that place, in that emotion with the feeling of exuberance surrounding you.Anyway, I can't help going back to the first day of college. After attending an inspiring orientation( also one of the faculty repeating "We are orthodox" twice to warn about the dress code..yah!), each group of 20-30 students were taken for sight-seeing into the college (Did you think nearby hill-stations? ) that we had all strived to get into for two whole years and were reaping the seeds of our effort.When our teacher was taking us around, our seniors just came and spoke so casually to our teacher asking which class we were from. I still remember, I was amazed how casual these guys are in that kind of an environment and I was even surprised to see the teacher teasing those students too. I was wondering whether I would actually become a part of this institution and not stand out as a weird different student.

Now after a year, I can laugh at the then myself because when this year our juniors came, we did exactly the same things. Stood on the first floor and asked those prim and proper first years which class they were from. They must have thought we were bullying them. But they will know in due course of time,its only tradition. I have progressed to such an extent( if I  may say so) that I have given a HI-Five to the same teacher who took us around on my first day because of some really childish fun we had at someone's expense. So guess,I am not an NRSP(Non resident SPITian) after all :P.

When I entered college, my only hopes were to find like minded people in my class( if there exist ) and be affable to people as possible( not that I am not ) to make at least acquaintances, if not friends who would somewhat help me pass through the four years of my life in a simple acceptable manner. But the first day itself, I had found 4 somewhat like minded girls( Surprise! ) only to discover in due course of time, the similarity wasn't superficial. Same music,same books, one of them ..same language!!!(I'm not biased, its just that I haven't found too many people speaking tamil before entering here) In a few days , after we were dragged forcibly( albeit a memorable experience) into the freshers' dance, I got to know the mortals who form the majority of the class.Boys. And well, they didn't seem to be like-minded at first......For eg. when we girls used to sit on the last few benches, these boys used to run, squabble and fight for the second and third benches.( Really really weird when you see it ). But then the fest came. These engineering fests are actually cool because that is when you realize SPITians aren't just nerds. I too found out that boys in my class are actually so musically inclined ,talented, even PJologists( tribute to harsh and sumiran) and the icing of the cake: fun and great. So, there was the big bang: in my head. A whole new universe had been formed for me. And as an universe has to expand, so did my list of people I loved knowing.

That was the time I had started blogging. In my case, I tend to convey a lot more including emotions when I write than when I speak. I really didn't know my seniors except for some of their names. It just so happened that I happened to see the status update of my senior  as "Blog update" and I chanced upon his blog. I had entered a new domain altogether.I read all the posts on that page and saw his blogroll. Only to see a list of  minimum 20 names, all of them SPITians!! I tried reading all of them( I still haven't finished) and I knew I had found my place.After that,in the second year, now that I know a lot more seniors(thanks to dominoes and a whole set of blog comments) ,I dare to comment on their impeccable blogs which are always a joy to read. For the past few weeks, I have been trying to achieve this herculean task of reading blogs..its not a task really,love reading them..and one thing I loved about their blogs is that there are at least 10 comments mostly by fellow SPITians. Also, so many posts!!Anyway, my secret aim is to get all these expert bloggers to look at my blog and comment(now no longer a secret)  which has happened in case of some of them.(yippee!!)

Anyway, my point was, I thought I would just have acquaintances in my class and nothing impressive but now its like this whole association of people I know from different classes, different branches ,some of whom I love,some who I look upto, some of whom I epitomize as true SPITians and some of whom I'll never forget in my life.

But anyway,one of my seniors told me that SP is one of the few colleges like VJTI and IIT which has a culture of its own. I now realize it is true. To find a place full of people with thought processes just like you isn't always plausible nor is it coincidence.This is a place where I was meant to be.This is the place where I belong. Midway into my engineering, I hope I am remembered as a SPITian in the years to come by seniors,juniors and peers alike. Cheers!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Those memorable days!!

Here we go again...its that time of the year when we are supposed to be preparing for our exams....and me finishing my long time post.....Although it started with lots of energetic thoughts of studying for my practicals, opening the EDC book to see what I never seem to understand and lots of ideal stuff,let me tell you ,I haven't done anything even close to that..just slept and slept and slept..So much that i could be compared to The greatest sleeper Kumbhkaran(or maybe even Sumiran :P).

So,I thought let me brush up my literary skills and walk down the memory lane..not too far..just enough to reach January 9th,the night when we were boarding the train for Amritsar.But then the story of how all 13 of us were ready to go for the IV is in itself a great story.So I guess I'll walk a little more to reach November when we were asked to pay the money for the IV.We were enticed and tempted with the adventurous things our seniors did like river-rafting...and we were told we would go sand boarding this time(Oh my gosh!!!)So well,actually most of us in our group were usurped into the joy and excitement of going somewhere for 9 days,with our wonderful friends and no parents(yippee!!!)But then,2 or 3 people in the group had problems like no permission,too dangerous and by the end of it ,only 5 of us were ready to go out of a 12 person group.So then we decided if the group doesn't go,we don't go(Loyalty to our group).But then the news somehow reached our wonderful wonderful seniors(By the way, I mean the adjective,if it weren't for them,I wouldn't be writing this) and a senior from T.E ,Divya(her name deserves to be mentioned here :)) called up one of my friends and asked her to convince as many as possible and the obedient juniors that we are(wonder what our seniors must be thinking.....)my friend called up everyone and actually very surprisingly,everyone agreed!!!!!God,to think 12 hours before that we were sad that we couldn't enjoy those 9 days of bliss.

So,the next day we went to pay our fees for the IV and I am really sure no one remembered that IV stands for Industrial visit.We were just so happy about the train travel itself,you can imagine the rest.So now,I jump back to 9th January 2009(a really unforgettable day).All of us were so happy on seeing each other at the station.Although discussion about the luggage and clothes and food had continued without even stopping during our exams(you would understand if you have read my post Nights during P.L + exams).Once we were into our compartment,all our parents were standing at the window continuously telling us(or should I call it nagging..nah..sweet sounding advice of parents who love their kids) to take care of ourselves(duh),enjoy really well(as if we don't know that) and eat properly(actually we were gonna hog) and other numerous stuff.And at last,the train started moving and accelerating just like our happiness at the thought of the forthcoming 9 days.

And if you have read my previous post(if you haven't ,you would love to read that one before this),as I said our seniors dropped in in our compartment to tell we have to present a play and that they did it too and it has to be great and all that.And the next day morning ,after we dragged ourselves to take a bath in the cold weather of amritsar,(brrr!!!), we had our breakfast and all of us were in the boys' room discussing the dialogues of our play.We had decided who are gonna be the seniors we would imitate and their actual names wont be used.One of our EXTC seniors Taha had come to our compartment the previous night and spoken and even thought one of the guys was oversmart and kept him in his place(lolz).So we changed his name to Aha in the play and I must say,no one ever called him by any other name ever again.All of us who were in the play observed the seniors we were gonna imitate ,their dressing sense,their way of walking and talking and all that.The senior Divya who I was gonna imitate had a sore throat and was practically croaking; and guess what,I had a sore throat too and was croaking.The fellow who was impersonating Taha actually wore the scarf the same way that he did and I got to wear my friend's spectacles cuz Divya wore them too.Another fellow wore a monkey cap just like the senoir anna he was impersonating.Then came D time.It was 11p.m and freezing cold,maybe even more cuz we were nervous.But once the play started ,we had to control our laughter seeing our peers play the part cuz we had to go on stage next.And we actually had to pause in between the dialogues cuz the audience was laughing so much.And although I know I'm repeating myself,seeing a senior fall off the chair laughing at your play is a great thing.Everyone in the auditorium was bowing zulu style and clapping for our play once it was over.They actually were shouting"Once More". And the ice was broken.Every senior who saw us asked "How did you do it?"and that"The part was played perfectly". More so,when you see a junior being you,saying exactly what you would say ,on stage,is a proud moment for anyone.And although I try to be modest,none of the other FE classes got a standing ovation like we did and so we stood out amidst all.Needless to say,we went to our room only to watch the video twice and rejoice at our success.

But ,the happiness was shortlived, atleast for the boys(;)).

The next night,most of us were watching Mr. Bean in the boys' room(that had become like a lounge for all of us)and by 12,3 or 4 of the boys had gone off to sleep.just as we girls were getting ready to go to our rooms and the boys to sleep,2 or 3 of our seniors,one after the other came to ask whether we were gonna be there only.When we asked the reason,they said ,it was someone's birthday and she was distributing cake(hmmm...yummy)Who knew,this was a trick ,when we opened the door ,the whole group of seniors jsut rushed into the room,sat on the beds and started waking up the boys who had gone off to sleep.All the girls were shooed out of the room as the boys looked at us with a scared and flabbergasted face.And all that the girls knew was the seniors left the room only at 1.30AM.The next day,we were trying with different ways and means to find out what actually happened cuz we realized the boys had had fun the end of it all.But the boys refused to open their mouths only dropping hints(uff).But then the cat was out of the bag and we dint have to wait for more than a day.Cuz our senior Adhitya(fondly called as anna) came to our compartment to have a chat.The smart girls that we are(collars raised!!) mentioned that we didn't know anything about what happened.And then he spoke words of wisdom(for us ;))which I am not allowed to disclose else this will be the last post of my life(and I mean it).But all I can say is we were practically rolling our eyes and on the floor with laughter and the boys became great friends after the incident and we had something we could tease them with(yippee!!!).

Our trip also had adventure and I mean it.We had to board a train for jodhpur from a very small station called Makhu, and the weird part was we were forced to stand with our luggage on the train tracks next to the ones where our train was gonna come.And the main plot.......................the train would wait only for 2 minutes on the station.200 students,400 pieces of luggage,all in 2 minutes on the train.Our senior coordinator told us that the girls would get into the sleeper compartment and the boys would load the luggage on the train and then get into it(Just think of the boys's faces when he said this).SO all of us kept our luggage together and dreaded about what would happen if we didn't get into the train or any of our luggage was not loaded.When the train came,all the girls got into the train compartment in a frenzy manner.But damn!!!We got in to the general compartment instead of the sleeper one.All of us got down the train and got into the sleeper compartment.In the mean while,all the guys were working together loading the luggage(I really dont know how they did it) into one of the compartments.Luckily,all this was done in just 5 minutes and the train started for its destination,with all its intended passengers aboard.But once this happened,we had to go to our respective compartments,take our own luggage and settle down.By the time we actually settled down,the adrenaline rush was so high.But to think of it,that was a really cool adventure...something I can talk about for years.

Once we reached Jodhpur,we got on a bus for Jaisalmer and had a great new experience of living in tents with a built in bathroom as well(sweet!)but none of us could take a bath in the 2 days that we were there because there was absolutely no hot water,forget water.So we had to survive; actually let other people survive by using only deodorants and God,although I enjoyed the tents,no bath is something I can never bear again.But the next day when we got on a bus to go to Jodhpur,I can say with confidence that everyone was heaving a sigh of relief; albeit with their nostrils blocked(hehe).

And another memory which is etched into my mind is the last night on our way back to mumbai. About 7-8 of us were awake and we actually got to know each other, what we were before getting into SP, a part of us that our friends didn't know. And I must say, it made hell of a difference. Obviously having spent all the time of 9 days together, we had started realizing how lucky we were to be bestowed with such wonderful friends. I didn't feel even for a moment that 9 days weren't enough because I had rejoiced every day, savoured every second and loved every moment. I was always awake when most of us were thus not missing small conversations here and there. I felt a sense of belonging which remains till now amongst my dear old friends. Its always great reminiscing during hardship filled times( I mean submissions,practicals..will these never end :P). Hope you got a well deserved break from the torture common to all of us and enjoyed too.Cheers to a great IV in the forthcoming year!