
Monday, June 15, 2009

Interesting Month Of February

Well,I know this post is pretty delayed considering the gap.....but then being an engineering student,there are certain compromises we make(do we?? ;) ),so I guess you might just read it now.

If you have read my previous posts, you might feel the title is pretty weird.....When I have portrayed that life itself in engineering is so interesting, what's so special about this month????????

The fact is lots of things have happened this month.It was quite eventful;especially for me and in general for most of us.First of all came my birthday. Birthdays in itself are very much expected but this year, it was different for me. I had new friends and this birthday is inevitable one of my best ones.They are truly wonderful and our group had been following a tradition for the last few birthdays.The birthday boy or girl would get one funny gift viz. non-expensive gift [:) ] but it is something which is unique about them and invariably funny too.For eg. One friend loves potatoes so we gave him almost 6-7 potatoes one after the other......And to think about it ,we really tickle people's funny bones.

For eg. When we had gone for the IV in January, on the second day of the train journey,our seniors dropped in our compartment to inform us that we had to enact a play for their entertainment the next night itself......Well,we weren't really serious about it cuz we had just finished our first ever sems and wanted to chill out devoid of our parents.But then next day,we realized we gotta do something.So , we decided we would do a spoof on the most watched reality show Roadies....and a friend came up with the wonderful idea of spoofing our seniors.So,all 13 brains got together(there were 13 of us in the IV) and wrote a really funny play..I say that because after every line discussed for the play,we were practically rolling on the floor with laughter..but during the final rehearsal,none of us found it funny cuz we had laughed way too much before :). But when we did present the play in front of all seniors consisting of SEs,TEs and BEs,the response we got cannot be expressed in words.You could hear only laughter all around from the first dialogue itself!!!!!!!!Can you believe one of them actually fell off a chair laughing...The best part was at the end of it ,all the seniors gave us a standing ovation and started bowing..can it get any better!!!

Well coming back to February,then came the autonomous robotics workshop..Robotics is something I have always been interested in but I didn't think of going for this workshop.Two guys from my class were going for sure,however they needed two more else they had to pay double of what they would have.I was their first bait because they knew I was interested vaguely and ultimately I was made to agree,they convinced another friend too ending up having one complete group from FE(Comps) as compared to 5 teams each from FE electronics and EXTC.We were ashamed but we could do nothing.So we went for the two day workshop,made our own line follower aka thinking robot(well,almost). We were really excited about having made the robot when the seniors informed us of the competition that would be held next week for fastest robot which involved a cash prize too(hmmm).But the unfortunate point was the competition was on the next sunday and all the other members were busy on exactly that day due to their own individual reasons.Result...We couldn't prepare for it and thus no participation.I was almost on the verge of desperation because one of them already wasn't in mumbai and the other 2 backed out just before the D-Day.

So,I had to anyway go to college that day at 1 feeling sad that the competition was over at 9.But to my greatest surprise,it wasn't over yet so we could still participate. So I called up the guy who had the robot and begged him to come to college when he had to leave for a marriage in about 3-4 hrs.So,well we programmed the robot pretty fast(written mostly by him)according to the track.Our seniors had a record time of 31 seconds by using 4 sensors as against the 2 we were using.And can you believe what our time was.........................26 seconds.We were really spellbound and when the robot was ready for final run,it took 25 seconds and we won.We immediately called the remaining two and told them the happy news.We could practically see them jumping with joy when we heard their escalating voices.That really was a great day for us and obviously a landmark as we carved a niche for ourselves when none of the other juniors condescended to come and by winning over our seniors.

Well,we were really proud of this and roaming around proud of this when suddenly a bomb fell which converted our happiness to fear.Our first sem results!!!!All of us couldn't wait to see how we had fared but still We had a mortal fear in our minds.Ultimately all of us actually scored really good marks most of us crossing 75%(which is great in engineering if u don't know)and the topper was expected and he was the topper of the class but that doesn't matter in college ,does it???

Well,after all the fun we had,we were stable enough in our studies and proved that we can actually manage fun and studies together thus satisfying ourselves and our parents alike.And to think of it,I have finished my sem II exams now and enjoying my first engineering vacation.I'll update you with more of our fun filled days in some more time.Till then,Enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

Quite an event period there..and as far as the play goes Take a bOW...:)

pratap kaul said...

hey...congrats again on winning the autonomous event :) All us seniors were really happy. The prize money is due, and you will get it once college starts. As for the play it was awesome...and the senior who fell off the chair wuld be me ? :P. you should update more often...

Preeti Ramaraj said...

Oh yes...that senior is u :).....thank u for assuring us abt the prize money.....and I will sure update more often...Thank you for your comments

Rohit said...

You were part of the group that did the roadies spoof? The good one. There was another crappy one I remember.

Standing ovation again. All of us loved that.

Preeti Ramaraj said...

Yes I was..thank you so much!