They enter this really fancy restaurant. One of the best in the city. She is dressed for the occasion; the kohl in her eyes more accentuated than usual, a slight hint of lip gloss and those lips that seem like they could break into a smile at any moment. She is wearing the most magnificent dress she has ever owned. It is a special occasion, of course. She sees one of those thinner women pass by, those that made her feel not too good way too long ago, a feeling she barely remembers now. She starts adjusting her dress trying to hide her inconsistencies, still unconscious of her actions, lost in her awe of the place. She feels a tug at her arm. She turns, only to find him mouthing the words "Do you know how beautiful you look tonight?" The smile travels from her heart right up to her face and she walks past, noticing only then, how the people around hadn't stopped staring at all.
He has no idea what she has in store for him. It feels like a typical dinner to him, something they did often enough. She stands up, not answering the curiosity that is his eyes. She goes right to the pianist who is playing Beethoven's 'Moonlight Sonata'. She had known this was a restaurant that had a pianist playing and it was partly the reason why she chose this place. She wants to jump with joy at the sight of the grand piano but what she wore and what she intended doing, requires elegance. She recognizes what he plays, smiles her signature smile and whispers something in his ear. The pianist smiles while he slowly ends the song. She looks at her beloved, blows him a kiss, so graceful that all the Miss Worlds would be put to shame. She and the pianist exchange a look and she begins to sing.
"The first time.... ever I saw your face"
The expression on his face changes instantly. He already knows what he is going to say to her when they go home. He continues to listen, his eyes not for one moment, away from her.
"The first time..... ever I kissed your mouth..... I felt the earth move in my haaa ....and".
She relives the moment as she enunciates each word. She wants to laugh, the earth had indeed felt like it was moving, though beneath her feet. She was in a daze that night. They both had felt that feeling for too long. It was just waiting to happen. That perfect moment she wouldn't give away for anything. That hesitation. That anticipation. And then that overwhelming feeling that finally burst at the seams, giving way to something so beautiful, something so precious.
"The first time.... ever I saw your face"
The expression on his face changes instantly. He already knows what he is going to say to her when they go home. He continues to listen, his eyes not for one moment, away from her.
"The first time..... ever I kissed your mouth..... I felt the earth move in my haaa ....and".
She relives the moment as she enunciates each word. She wants to laugh, the earth had indeed felt like it was moving, though beneath her feet. She was in a daze that night. They both had felt that feeling for too long. It was just waiting to happen. That perfect moment she wouldn't give away for anything. That hesitation. That anticipation. And then that overwhelming feeling that finally burst at the seams, giving way to something so beautiful, something so precious.
He hasn't forgotten that either. He still remembers the first time he met her. How he fell in love with her constant chatter. With her voice. With her kindness. She brought hope to his hopeless life. She brought life into his lifelessness. She brought just so much happiness. She came with an amount of love that is unfathomable in a human being.
""...ever I lay with you, I felt your heart so close to miii...ine..."
It was a party at a friend's place. A crazy one at that. She had come out to stand, a little buzzed, that peaceful happiness because it was that beautiful a night. He came out too, with a coke and whiskey in hand. The wind was cool and blowing against her face. She closed her eyes to feel all that nothingness. The peace in being alone. He didn't interrupt her. She heard his footsteps. Usually, she would want to enjoy this moment by herself. But today, she somehow didn't mind his presence. She slowly turned to look at him and smiled. They could still hear the music from inside the house. She looked up and then at him and said "My dad once told me how the Big Dipper rotates clockwise about the North Star." He smiled and said "Anti-clockwise" Her immediate reaction was to oppose it but instead, she said "Let's wait and check, shall we?" The alcohol had begun to hit her a little, or maybe it was sleep, but she sure was surprised that he knew enough to comment at all. They lay down on the grass, which they might not have on another day. And they spoke for so long, it felt as though time had stretched itself to let them feel the depth of it all. He suddenly pointed upwards, "You see, it just moved to the left of the North Star. I told you." He had a smile on his face, not the smug kind but the self-satisfactory one, of having been proved right. She chuckled. She wasn't the kind to mind being proved wrong, in fact, she appreciated it. She stood up and dusted the back of her dress, "Let's go back in?" He was surprised, a little disappointed at the sudden dismissal, the sudden end to their seemingly unending conversation. He hid his disappointment, looking down while getting on his feet "Yeah, I guess". He had already decided, he had to get to know this girl a little more. Little did he know, at that moment, she was thinking the very same thing.
And they both are back to the present. She still can't believe she is indeed standing here. Singing to him. The song that she has wished to sing for so long. She wishes she could explain to him just how much she loves him. How he brings out the best in her. How his presence is all she needs to forget that an entity called sadness even exists.
"Your face... your face"
He takes a few steps towards her. He doesn't know if he wants to let her finish or catch her unawares in an embrace. He decides to wait, still mesmerized in her voice. She finishes singing the last note to that song and before she can even turn to look at him, he already has her in his arms, while she feels his face against her own. She phases in, to hear people applauding and she breaks away from him to thank the pianist.
"You can never wait, can you?"
"Didn't I wait too long already?"
They laugh and the camaraderie they share is impossible to not want for yourself.
The pianist by then, had moved on to Unchained Melody. He holds out his hand with a question on his face. She grins, "Could I ever say no to you?".
She places her hand on his shoulder, his hand around her waist. And they dance away, moving slowly to the song, to their own rhythm, in their own world, while the rest watch on.
""...ever I lay with you, I felt your heart so close to miii...ine..."
It was a party at a friend's place. A crazy one at that. She had come out to stand, a little buzzed, that peaceful happiness because it was that beautiful a night. He came out too, with a coke and whiskey in hand. The wind was cool and blowing against her face. She closed her eyes to feel all that nothingness. The peace in being alone. He didn't interrupt her. She heard his footsteps. Usually, she would want to enjoy this moment by herself. But today, she somehow didn't mind his presence. She slowly turned to look at him and smiled. They could still hear the music from inside the house. She looked up and then at him and said "My dad once told me how the Big Dipper rotates clockwise about the North Star." He smiled and said "Anti-clockwise" Her immediate reaction was to oppose it but instead, she said "Let's wait and check, shall we?" The alcohol had begun to hit her a little, or maybe it was sleep, but she sure was surprised that he knew enough to comment at all. They lay down on the grass, which they might not have on another day. And they spoke for so long, it felt as though time had stretched itself to let them feel the depth of it all. He suddenly pointed upwards, "You see, it just moved to the left of the North Star. I told you." He had a smile on his face, not the smug kind but the self-satisfactory one, of having been proved right. She chuckled. She wasn't the kind to mind being proved wrong, in fact, she appreciated it. She stood up and dusted the back of her dress, "Let's go back in?" He was surprised, a little disappointed at the sudden dismissal, the sudden end to their seemingly unending conversation. He hid his disappointment, looking down while getting on his feet "Yeah, I guess". He had already decided, he had to get to know this girl a little more. Little did he know, at that moment, she was thinking the very same thing.
And they both are back to the present. She still can't believe she is indeed standing here. Singing to him. The song that she has wished to sing for so long. She wishes she could explain to him just how much she loves him. How he brings out the best in her. How his presence is all she needs to forget that an entity called sadness even exists.
"Your face... your face"
He takes a few steps towards her. He doesn't know if he wants to let her finish or catch her unawares in an embrace. He decides to wait, still mesmerized in her voice. She finishes singing the last note to that song and before she can even turn to look at him, he already has her in his arms, while she feels his face against her own. She phases in, to hear people applauding and she breaks away from him to thank the pianist.
"You can never wait, can you?"
"Didn't I wait too long already?"
They laugh and the camaraderie they share is impossible to not want for yourself.
The pianist by then, had moved on to Unchained Melody. He holds out his hand with a question on his face. She grins, "Could I ever say no to you?".
She places her hand on his shoulder, his hand around her waist. And they dance away, moving slowly to the song, to their own rhythm, in their own world, while the rest watch on.
Author's note:
I had gone to watch X-Men a few days ago. The first of the series that I have ever watched. Besides loving the movie and falling in love with the younger Charles Xavier *sigh*, this song brought back the intimacy and emotion that it is. I had first heard this two years ago and fallen head over heels, I could not believe a song could be this beautiful. And with my emotional upheaval in the past few days, I think this had to happen. I really really love that I managed to write this. It has made me so happy. Maybe, it is too good to be true, but indulging in something once in a while ain't too bad, is it? And I hope, one day, I too shall sing this to my beloved. :)
Firstly, your imagination is perfection.
Secondly, young Charles Xavier is super cute. Also, in Narnia, in case it slipped your mind.
Thirdly, this isn't sappy, it's romantic. It's the idea that some day, serenading someone and seeing the look in their eyes..
And here I go writing a mini post in a comment again.
@varshini: danke :) also, I kept wondering throughout the movie knowing I've seen him somewhere and then it struck me about much sighing ..and I like the mini posts you write :)
hey kutti, if i did not know you, i would actually think you are in a relationship. The emotions have come out so beautifully well in your prose... well, if at any time you choose to give up your job or you are fed up of what you do, you have a brighter career.
well, it is super romantic..
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