
Saturday, January 1, 2011

And the new year again

 And its the beginning of yet another year. This one is gonna be a phenomenal one, I feel. The start was amazing with people who I totally love. Started the year with a different perspective. Much different compared to the last new year. Childish I feel when I see it, but don't we all? :P

And I turn 20, nah, not nice.

Also, there are 4-5 posts in the pipeline which I keep thinking about the whole day but when I come home, I type only a few lines in each of the posts rendering all of them useless to be posted. But this blog will come up with a nice post soon, I promise and hopefully one before I leave for the IV.

Yes, this particular post is absolutely useless but leaving the blog not updated on new year was something I so did not want to do.

So, there I go, penned on the new year hoping the tradition continues throughout the year.

Wishing everyone a great year ahead :)

1 comment:

cins said...

and i'm guessing a really long post "post-IV" shall be coming too ;-)

good you had an awesome start though. and remember this year, make it happen.

cheers to a new beginning. :)