I've come to understand and maybe even enjoy small talk. It isn't always about the weather. Sometimes, it's about finding that connection in talking about your day's events; knowing that even for those two minutes, you are genuinely interested in that conversation. In those few minutes, there is that semblance of warmth. I have often wondered how much of it is forced and of course, even fake; since I'm always on this end, someone who barely exists there before she is gone. But they, the baristas, the nurses, the customer service reps, the cab drivers, are constantly present, going through this process with different people hour after hour, day after day. And I think, maybe I ought to do my part to be the least bit pleasant, the least bit agreeable?
And even during the worst days, there is something about being that small level of vulnerable, to feel that honesty that comes through when you talk about how you really are feeling, what you are actually going to do and what you are looking forward to - knowing that we aren't always the "Hi , how are you? Good. How are you?" machines.
Today I shared that moment with someone, all thanks to small talk.
Today I shared that moment with someone, all thanks to small talk.